Condominium 公寓 | |
Double Storey Terrace 双层排屋 | |
Cluster 田字形 | |
Town House 联排别墅 | |
Semi-Detached 半独立式洋房 | |
Bungalow 独立式洋房 |
Terrace 单层排屋 | |
Cluster 田字形厂 | |
Link 直排形厂 | |
Semi-Detached 半独立式厂 | |
Detached 独立式厂 |
Single Storey 单层商店 | |
Double Storey 双层商店 | |
Three Storey 三层商店 | |
Fourth Storey 四层商店 | |
Shop House 商店屋 |
Newspaper / Magazine | |
Articles & Write-Ups | |
Invitation Card | |
Exhibition & Expo | |
Internet | |
Billboards and banners | |
SMS | |
Tiong Nam Staff | |
Friend & Relatives | |
Sales Gallery | |
Others, please specify |
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